How to Give your Team the Skills to Manage Stress 😩 and Burnout 😥

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2023


Stress is a normal part of life for your team. Yes work is a part of their stress, but many times your employees may be facing stress that we can't see at work. When stress becomes overwhelming or prolonged, it can affect both our physical and mental health and ultimately our performance at work.

Burnout is one of the most common workplace issues today. It occurs when people experience chronic stress that affects their physical and emotional well-being. This may lead them to feel overwhelmed by work pressures, lack of control over workloads or an inability to balance their personal lives with professional duties so much so that they become exhausted and demoralized in the long term.

🚨If you feel your team is facing burnout, email me to chat about in-person or virtual trainings with me (a motivational speaker that specializes in mindfulness training for leaders and their teams).


Stress and burnout are both serious problems, but they can be managed well.

Stress and burnout are serious problems, but they can be managed well. Stress is a normal reaction to difficult situations. It's part of being human. When we're stressed out, our bodies release cortisol--a hormone that helps us cope with challenges by increasing blood pressure and heart rate, improving memory and focus, suppressing hunger signals so you don't eat too much food when you're stressed out (which would make it worse), among other things.

Burnout isn't good for your health either: it can cause depression or anxiety; increase risk for heart disease; decrease productivity at work; make you less productive overall because you're exhausted all the time from trying too hard! The best way to avoid burnout is by avoiding stress--but if that doesn't work for some reason (maybe someone keeps giving them impossible deadlines), then give them regular training sessions on how best manage their own workloads so they don't feel overwhelmed all day long every single week without fail."



How to spot the signs of burnout at work.

  • Exhaustion. When you're burned out, it's difficult to find the energy to do anything. You may feel fatigued and exhausted all the time and performance suffers.

  • A sense of being overwhelmed. You might have too much work to do, with no way to complete it all in a timely manner. Or perhaps your workload has increased without any corresponding increase in resources or support staff (or even worse: your boss cut resources!). Whatever the cause, there are just more things on your plate than you can handle at once--and this feeling seems impossible for anyone else on your team or company executives alike to understand or remedy in any meaningful way.

  • Feeling foggy or disconnected from reality. People experiencing burnout often report feeling like they're living through someone else's life rather than their own; everything just feels off somehow.

  • Lacking motivation. This can manifest itself as apathy toward tasks at hand (or even toward life), lackadaisical attitude toward responsibilities at work and home alike--even laziness when it comes down right down there between two people sitting across each other having coffee together after lunch break where one person asks another question but then doesn't listen closely enough so gets distracted by something else going on nearby instead listening carefully enough before responding back again later after first finishing up what needs doing now secondarily first before moving onto next task get idea here!

How to avoid burnout on your team.

  • Take regular breaks.

  • Work in a team.

  • Learn how to say no and prioritize your work.

  • Sleep well and eat well, exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day)

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Provide training courses on stress management skills. As a public speaker and performance trainer, I can help you arrange this for your team!

How your employees can manage stress and anxiety.

  • Identify the source of stress.

  • Try relaxation techniques, like meditation or yoga, to help manage stress.

  • Set achievable goals and reward when achieving them.

  • Encourage them to talk to someone and get support.

What are the best ways to manage stress and burnout in the workplace?

Stress and burnout are two of the most common workplace issues. As a manager, you can help your employees deal with these problems by providing training courses on stress management and burnout prevention.

Many people don't realize that there are many causes of stress and burnout in the workplace. These include:

  • Lack of clarity about goals and objectives at work

  • Unclear job descriptions or roles within an organization

  • Poor communication between people in an organization (including managers)


I hope that you now have a better understanding of what stress and burnout are, what they look like in the workplace, and how to avoid them. If you want to learn more about how we can help your team, contact me today!


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